Our Leadership

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors exists to help guide the strategic direction of the Arkansas Rugby Foundation and serves as the ultimate decision authority for processes that require Board of Director voting. The Board of Directors will always represent each pillar of the rugby community and ensure Foundation affairs are equitable across those pillars. 

Warren Fyfe

Men's Rugby

Maisie Carothers

Women's Rugby

Jason Ayers

High School Rugby

David Clouston

Youth Rugby

Foundation Officers

Our Foundation Officers are responsible for the day-to-day management of the Arkansas Rugby Foundation. From interacting with all the clubs in the community, to campaigning rugby related efforts with external partners, these individuals help to apply tactical initiatives to fulfill the ARF’s strategic vision. 

Ryan Boggs


Lauren Rushing


Lance Cummings


Interested in Helping Out?

Committees are a huge part of any successful event or engagement that the ARF is able to execute. Committees are formed at an ad-hoc or as needed basis. However, there are several standing committees focused on persistent efforts in the rugby community. If you would like to volunteer your efforts for a committee, please fill the form out below! We hold officer elections and board appointments at a defined interval based on our Bylaws. If you’re interested in pursuing a Leadership position within the ARF, we’d strongly encourage you to click the “Contact Us” button below for more information.  

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